Sunday, August 12, 2012

Update - August 12, 2012

Good morning friends
please forgive the mass email but  I have yet to master  the computer with one hand.  I really want to let you know how I am and to thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement.

I am in the mountains of Virginia with my friend Beth. I am so far away from everything that there are NO cell towers!   so feel free to call me here since I can't call or text you. (phone number was here) (and she doesn't have long distance so I can't call you).

Yes to your question, it is kinda weird not to be able to text or call but once that anxiety passes (grin) the silence is quite wonderful.  

Friday the doctor said that I am healing nicely. no infection and normal swelling. he says the easy part was the surgery. he is adamant that I start physical therapy not later than Monday so I have a 2:45pm appointment in Staunton VA; which is an hour away --or as they measure distance here-- two mountains away.   I am looking forward to getting the PT started but anxious about the pain. The drugs make me sluggish and loopy. so I space them as far as possible. the doctor .suggested Motrin in between if the pain was manageable and to avoid the "drugged" feeling.

please don't hesitate to call or write or email. I appreciate  each of you. 

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