Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wiser on Wednesday - December 2, 2009

PUNCTUATE the sentence below. Do not rearrange the words. Scroll down to see how it tends to shake out.


Perspective and experience is an amazing influence on how we understand and interpret our world. It affects how we read, how we internalize. This is an "icebreaker" I've used when I begin a group or bible study. It helps orient people to each other's differences and varying perspectives.

WOMAN! WITHOUT HER, MAN IS NOTHING. (women usually punctuate this way)
WOMAN, WITHOUT HER MAN, IS NOTHING. (men usually punctuate this way)
very in-ter-resting!

1 comment:

Lady J said...

This is cool! I actually punctuated like a man...yikes! What does that say about me? Lol.