Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thank you!

When my son was a toddler I began saying "thank you" every time I gave him something and every time he gave me something. Over and over and over. unlike now there was no Internet, Google wasn't a word much less verb ( I'll just google it!) so I didn't really know when or if he would get it.

One day I was in a children's store window shopping and the clerk (a much older grandmother type) came over to speak to us ( well really to him) . She asked and I agreed that she could give him a cookie. He blinked a few times (his brain processing, processing) and then he said "tank ouu". The clerk was so shocked(!) (me too actually!) that she ran and got the other clerk, told her to "watch this" and offered my son another cookie ( no she didn't ask first) Again my son blinked a few times (processing, processing) and repeated "tank oouu". I was so proud! They refused to believe it and went for the bag of cookies (!) offering him cookie after cookie until I had to tell them to stop!

Never had I been so proud of another person's accomplishment! Thank you , DS!

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