Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wiser on Wednesday - the humanity of Jesus is a complete distortion of the humanity of Jesus as depicted in the gospel story to claim that maleness is an ontological necessity of the incarnation of the Word of God or that because Jesus was male women should not be ordained to the office of ministry.* If we follow the description of Jesus in the gospel story, we will surely agree that the theological significance of the humanity of Jesus resides not in his masculine gender but in his unconditional love of God and his shockingly inclusive love of others. This and this alone makes the life and death of Jesus a radiant expression of the eternally self-giving, other-affirming , community-forming love of the triune God. ...- Daniel Migliore, Faith Seeking Understanding, p147-158

*"An understanding of the incarnation in terms of biological gender positivism does not square with the tradition according to which the humanity and not the masculinity of Jesus has saving significance," says Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza "Luke 13:10-17: Interpretation for Liberation and Transformation," Theology Digest 36 [Winter 1989]; Jacquelyn Grant contends that "The significance if Christ is not his maleness but his humanity" (White Women's Christ and Black Women's Jesus, p220).

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